When surviving in an environment like this, it could create a sense of fear for the next task that you might have to take up. When you think of it, you don't have much control on what task you might get assigned. What is in your control though, is how you react to the task that you have in hand.
I think one way to avoid needless work related fear is to involve yourself in to work rather than worrying about it. This could relieve you off the anxiety and once you get involved in a task, the task will take you to its completion. The hours might go unknowingly fast.
There is a problem with the above approach though, what if you keep yourself involved in your work and eventually reduce the amount of time spent outside of office. I think this might be a real or an imaginary problem based on where you are working. If you are working in a place, which takes advantage of your hard work consistently, then you might have to consider changing your work place, but it would make much sense to bring your concern to the management first. Often, periods of high stress work are temporary and things will take a moderate pace in the long term. If the stress is temporary, then it could be tolerated or diverted with your involvement in the work. If the above is not the case, and you do feel you are over worked and also feel that the management is showing a blind eye to your concerns, then it is best to move away.
In most cases, fear stems from the unknown. Instead of treating the future as a static entity, try to think future as a source of possibilities. You will be able to think much more than fear, much more than just your work place. Think about possibilities not the fearful unknown. And remember, if you are working in a corporate world, you already have what it takes to do the work, known or unknown.